Thursday, September 11, 2008

Discussion Topic - 3 Way Diocesan Companion Relationship

What do you think about the possibility of a 3-way Diocesan Relationship, as proposed by the Bishop? How do you think this relationship will impact our diocese?

At a meeting of the World Mission Network, Bishop Mary proposed a Triad Companion Diocese Relationship with a diocese from the Church of England (Gloucester) and a diocese from the Anglican Church of Tanzania (Western Tanganyika). Bishop Mary met Bishop Michael (Gloucester) and Bishop Gerard (Western Tanganyika) at Lambeth. All three of them are interested in perusing a relationship together, engaging in conversation about the issues facing our churches and the communion (i.e. women's ordination to the episcopate, human sexuality, poverty, etc.) and in working side by side on mission projects.

We are gathering comments from people around the diocese. Please post your thoughts here!

What would this look like?
-The bishops would visit each other for conventions and other participatory events.
-The bishops would continue in conversation and come up with a "rule of life" that they can share.
-Groups from each diocese would be engaged together in conversation, visits, and mission projects.

See the discussion points from our meeting's minutes:
Minutes 9-6-08 Meeting

Also, see the Presentation given by Bishop Mary on Lambeth and this relationship: Presentation


Rev. Michael W. Ridgway said...

Everyone is encouraged to spend some time pondering and providing feedback about these questions: What do you think about the possibility of a 3-way Diocesan Relationship, as proposed by the Bishop? How do you think this relationship will impact our diocese?

As to thoughts about the proposal, I am excited by the possibilities reg. this relationship. We have an opportunity to exchange our stories, hopes and dreams with others living lives of completely different context yet who are inexoribly links with ours.

I am especially intrigued with the possibilities for youth involvement in Mission; from the small to the tall.

I am also curious if we have thought about the challenges of communication in this 'triangulated' relationship. What might they be? What might be required to overcome them?

Anonymous said...

The three way companion diocese is a new concept for me and I'm trying to get my head around it, but I can see it would broaden the concept and could offer more perspectives and keep us growing mentally and spiritually. With that distance there will be travel for less people I anticipate, and health issues to solve. I would have to consider a trip very carefully but I would love to go. I was glad to hear that English is a dominant language because probably not too many are ready to become fluent in Swahili. I would especially like to be sure we figure out how to do pen pals with both youth and adults, share photos, etc for those who won't have direct contact.

So guess questions for me revolve around 1) communication, 2) travel/health, 3) fundraising. Will Bishop Mary have special funds to pay for her travel, will we fundraise for her, or will she take it out of her pay? Also, with some touchy issues for both countries, will most of that be handled by Bishop Mary or will others be involved and how?

Robin Denney said...

I am very excited about this relationship. There is a lot of tension in the Anglican Communion right now. Having this type of relationship that is based on truthful discloser of who we are, and openly discussing the issues that are so contentious in the communion, will be a transforming experience for ourselves and our companions, and could be a great model for the Communion in togetherness despite our differences.

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