Saturday, June 14, 2008

Discussion Topic -- MDGs

How do you see your current involvement or desire to be involved in furthering the work of the MDGs?
Can you vision this work in the context of partnerships?
Are partnerships important to you?

There has been much talk about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) throughout the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. (See link below for more info on the MDGs)
* Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
* Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
* Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
* Goal 4: Reduce child mortality
* Goal 5: Improve maternal health
* Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
* Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
* Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

Of the 8 goals, the first 7 are directed to the "Two-Thirds World" (also called the developing world). The 8th goal is the goal which is directed to the Global North. The 8th goal is the goal upon which the other 7 hinge. Sustainable, healthy, long-term development can only occur when the vision of the local community is lifted up, and the people are empowered to work toward the completion of their own goals. Unfortunately, it is the 8th goal that has been most neglected. In our attempt to help, the Global North has often worked unilaterally, without the input of the Two-Thirds World.

How can we change the course, and make the 8th goal a reality?

More information on the Millennium Development Goals:

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