From Rev. Jerry Drino, Hope With Sudan:
Dear Partners with Sudan,
In two weeks much of the Christian world will celebrate World Mission Sunday (Feb 14) with Lent beginning the following week. It is a Sunday about hearts and we ask you to direct your people's hearts towards Sudan. I have attached a file in two formats and ask you to consider using these for World Mission Sunday and for Lent in support of the Church in Sudan through the education of her children. (This file is in Adobe PDF here.)
I have just spent the last two days with the ambassador of South Sudan to Washington while he and the former director of USAID were in the South Bay. I will be flying to the Capitol today (Friday) to participate in a day long discussion on how the U.S. can support this region. I have been asked by the Government of South Sudan to be a part of this working group with a focus on development. All indications are that this next year is going to be very challenging and your continued prayers and advocacy will help your people be in touch with their fellow Episcopalians in the Sudan.
If we you haven't reserved a date for us to come and make a presentation about the most recent developments in Sudan and our program, please contact me soon.
Blessings and thank you for considering this offering.
Executive Director
Hope With Sudan